25대 별밤지기/별밤지기 추천곡

Different People - No Doubt [Tragic Kingdom, 1995년]

혀니나라 2017. 7. 20. 06:35

2017.07.19 (수)

올 여름 여러분은 어떠세요? 작년 여름에 비해서
어떤 게 더 좋아졌고 또 어떤 게 좀 변했나요?
하루하루가 힘들다면 지금 우리가 높은 곳으로 가기 위해
오르막길을 오르는 중이라 힘든 거라고 위로하고 그러죠?
아 이 오르막이 끝나면 힘든 것도 좀 나아지고 참 수고했다
생각하면서 편해지는 순간도 온다고 생각하죠?

자, 오늘은요 No Doubt 'Different People'
자, 이 노래로 수요일 별밤 마치도록 할게요.
내일도 인생의 오르막길 잘 오르시구요.

지금까지 별밤지기 강타였습니다.

내일 봐요.


Different People

Well things can be broken down
In this world of ours
You don’t have to be a famous person
Just to make your mark
A mother can be an inspiration
To her little son
Change his mind, his thoughts, his life,
Just with her gentle hum

So different, yet so the same
Two sister’s only have their parents to blame
It’s rare that two can get along
But when the do, they’re inseparable
Such a blessing comes to few

The sky is full of clouds and
My world’s full of people
All different kinds with different ways
It would take a lifetime to explain
Not one’s exactly the same

He and she, two different people
With two serparate lives
Then you put the two together
And get a spectacular surprise
’Cause one can teach the other one
What she doesn’t know
While still the other fills a place inside
He never knew had room to grow


Once in a while I sit back
And think about the planet
Most of the time I trip on it
To kick back and think about
How massive it all is
And how many others are on it

I often think about the world
In which I live today, of animals and plants
And nature’s gifts set on display
But the most amazing thing
That I’ve seen in my time
Are all the different people
And all their different minds
And different ways
It would take a lifetime to explain
Not one’s exactly the same

So many different people
So many different kinds
So many different people
So many different kinds
Look at me, I’m a person
Look at me, I’m my own person
So many different people
So many different kinds
For better or for worse, different people