25대 별밤지기/별밤지기 추천곡

Nothing`s Gonna Change My Love For You - George Benson [20/20, 1984년]

혀니나라 2017. 2. 19. 11:30

2017.02.18 (토)

히브리 사람들 사이에서 내려오는 말 중에
'웃음 소리는 울음 소리보다 멀리 간다' 라는 말이 있다고 해요.

웃음 소리가 울음 소리보다 멀리 간다.. 진짜로 웃는 소리가

멀리까지 들리는지 어떠는지는 모르겠지만요 웃음이 더 쉽게 전염되고
그러다 보니까 점점 멀리까지 퍼지는 거 아닐까요?
같이 있는 사람이 즐거우면 같이 웃게 되고.. 그렇게 되죠? 그렇습니다.

이 방송을 듣고 계신 분들이 다 같이 즐거우면 좋겠어요.

미소가 널리널리 퍼지길 바라면서 토요일 끝 곡

'Nothing`s Gonna Change My Love For You' George Benson의 목소리로

오늘은 준비를 했습니다.

이번 주에도 다들 수고하셨구요. 지금까지 저는 별밤지기 강타였습니다.

내일 봐요.


Nothing`s Gonna Change My Love For You

If I had to live my life without you near me
the day would all be empty
the nights would seem so long.
With you I see forever of so clearly
I might have been in love before.
But it never felt this strong.

Our dreams are young
and we both know theyll take us where we want to go.
Hold me now Touch me now.
I dont want to live without you.

Nothings gonna change my love for you.
You ought to know by now how much I love you.
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love.

If the road ahead is not so easy,

 our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star.

I'll be there for you if you should need me.

You dont have to change a thing,

I love you just the way you are.

So come with me and share the view,

'Ill help you see forever too Hold me now Touch me now.

I dont want to live without you.

Nothings gonna change my love for you.

You ought to know by now how much I love you.

One thing you can be sure of Ill never ask for more than your love.

Nothings gonna change my love for you.

You oughta know by now how much I love you.

The world may chage my whole life through

but nothings gonna change my love for you.