25대 별밤지기/별밤지기 추천곡

Flying High Falling Low - Walking On Cars [Everything This Way, 2016년]

혀니나라 2017. 1. 25. 17:55

2017.01.24 (화)

별밤 이제 마칠 시간입니다. 끝 곡으로요
Walking on Cars 의 'Flying High Falling Low' 준비했습니다.

오늘 아까 방송 시작할 때 제가 <오만과 편견> 이라는 소설 얘기로 시작했었는데

오만과 편견에 대해서 아주 간단하게 정리한 글귀가 있어서 잠깐 소개해 드리려고 합니다.

편견은 내가 다른 사람을 사랑하지 못하게 하고 오만은 다른 사람이 나를 사랑할 수 없게 만드는 것이다.

편견이 있으면 다른 사람을 사랑할 수 없고요. 내가 오만하면 다른 사람들이 나를 사랑하지 않겠죠?
오만과 편견..그렇죠. 소설 속에만 있는 게 아니라 우리에게도 늘 존재하는 겁니다.
어..이런 사실들은 알고 계실 거에요. 알고 있는데 이렇지 않게 생활하는 게 힘든 거겠죠.

이렇지 않게 생각하는 게 힘든 거구요. 편견이란 걸 배제하고 생각하는 것도 때론 또 힘들 수도 있습니다.
각자 스스로 내기 지금 편견이 있는건지 그리고 내가 지금 오만하게 행동하고 있는건지를 늘 스스로

체크해 보는 게 가장 중요하겠죠.

자, 오늘도 다들 수고하셨구요.
저는 이제 끝 곡 Walking on Cars 의 'Flying High Falling Low' 들으면서 퇴근하도록 하겠습니다.

감기 조심하시구요. 지금까지 저는 별밤지기 강타였습니다.

내일 봐요.


Flying High Falling Low

They left the circus
And they bought expensive suits
And every evening we'd watch them on the news

It's that time of the year again and you know
I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing

I've had enough
I've had enough
In circles I'm turning
From this world I'm burning
Tell me what happens after this

Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone
Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone

I promised you better, but this is all I have
You say it's okay and you take me as I am

It's that time of the year again and you know
I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing

I've had enough
I've had enough
In circles I'm turning
From this world I'm burning
Tell me what happens after this

Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone
Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone

It's that time of the year again and you know
I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing

It's that time of the year again and you know
I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing

I've had enough
I've had enough
In circles I'm turning
From this world I'm burning
Tell me what happens after this

Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone
Somedays I'm flying high, I'm falling low
Somedays I'm made of gold, I'm made of stone

It's that time of the year again and you know
I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing

It's that time of the year again
and you know I'd love to buy you something
But you know that I've got nothing,
you know that I've got nothing